One of the essays in Becoming is entitled What a Trip! (page 71).
And that's just what I'm about to embark on this afternoon :-). I will be travelling in Egypt with a tour that takes an alternative approach to Egyptian culture and civilization, The Lost Civilization theory.
Whatever the truth about the history of Egypt and its civilizations, it will be a chance to be open to new experiences -- dealing with time changes, roommates, unexpected developments....
Marcel Proust says, 'The real voyage of discovery consists of not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes." New eyes. What could that mean? The essay, What a Trip!, invites us all to consider our lives as a journey, and to reflect with new eyes on our directions, attitudes, destinations... Here are a few questions to guide the reflection:
If your life were a journey, what have been some of the destinations? How do you experience the journey at times when there is a clear goal in sight, and at times when you feel lost? What has been your attitude toward real or metaphorical potholes, headwinds, or any other difficulites out of your control? In what ways do you resist your life's journey? How could the journey transform if you didn't resist, or allowed the resistance instead of wishing things were different?
In closing, let's smile and appreciate a bit of wisdom from Satchel Page: "Ain't no use hurryin' if you're on the wrong road."
May you find whatever road you are on, to be full of riches, possibilities, learnings, and blessings!
Can't wait to hear more about this trip! Have fun!